Tuesday 30 April 2013

What Kind of Flowers Attract Butterflies?

Attracting beautiful butterflies to your garden can be as simple adding a few of their favorite plants. Butterflies like a warm sunny area, so most butterfly garden plants are sun-lovers.

Nectar Plants
Nectar-producing flowers provide food for adult butterflies. It is important to have nectar sources blooming throughout the growing season, but especially in mid- to late summer, when most butterflies are active.

Annual Flowers
Annuals are good choices because they bloom throughout the entire summer and offer a steady supply of nectar. Some annuals that attract butterflies are ageratum, cosmos, heliotrope, lantana, marigold, nicotiana, scabiosa, verbena and zinnia.

Perennial Flowers
A number of perennials are also good sources of nectar, including aster, beebalm, black-eyed Susan, butterfly weed, coneflower, liatris, phlox, Joe-Pye weed and sedum.

Host Plants
A true butterfly habitat must offer not just nectar but host plants which will feed the developing butterfly caterpillars. Swallowtails use carrots, parsley, dill and fennel as larval food; monarchs seek out milkweed and butterfly weed; and the buckeye butterfly uses the snapdragon. Many others butterflies choose common trees such as birch, poplar, ash and willow on which to lay their eggs.

More Tips
Keep flowers of similar colors grouped together to attract butterflies. Flowers with multiple florets offer more nectar. Butterflies prefer to feed and lay eggs where they will not be buffeted by the wind, so if possible plant your butterfly garden in a sheltered spot. Avoid using pesticides in the garden to avoid destroying butterfly eggs and caterpillars.

What Kind of Plants Attract Butterflies?

What better way to spend a beautiful summer day than relaxing on a patio and watching a private nature show? Butterfly gardens are becoming popular in landscapes everywhere. A variety of plants can attract all kinds of butterflies to your yard.

Native to Asia, asters are annual plants with red, white, blue, pink or yellow blossoms. Their bloom period lasts from mid-summer until the first frost.

Bee Balm
A perennial herb, bee balm grows 2 to 4 feet in height and produces blossoms of pink, purple or red. Divide the plant every three years to preserve its growth.

Butterfly Bush
The butterfly bush, native to China, forms fragrant blooms of blue, white, red, pink or purple that appear in late summer.

Coneflowers are perennial plants that are drought resistant and come in a variety of colors.

Yarrow is a drought-resistant perennial that produces white, yellow, pink or red blossoms.

Zinnias are popular in butterfly gardens for their various color and appealing nectar.